STARS! - Stars for a Day
STARS! Wednesday 17th May 2023
Just an update on "Stars", taking place at the King's Hall on Wednesday 17th May. The start time is 9.15 am by which time I hope all three schools will be settled in the hall and ready to start the morning's performances. It finishes at 11.40 or thereabouts, to allow the children time to return to school in time for lunch.
Admission to parents and supporters is free, and they are welcome. I hope they will come. There will be a bucket collection at the end of the morning's performances to help defray the cost of biscuits and squash supplied to the children in the interval.
The same three schools - Ashlands Primary, All Saints CE Primary and Burley Oaks Primary - are taking part and I know It will be a wonderful and an amazing morning.
It was very gratifying that support for the Denis Sharp Memorial Concert was more than sufficient to allow this year's event to go ahead as this is the source of my ability to stage the event. So thank you to all the lovely people who bought tickets!